DurationAssignment name/& brief description of main deliverables/outputsName of Customers/Client
June 2016 to dateCountry Situation Analysis (SITAN) for Building Nutritious Food Basket (BNFB): Scaling up Biofortified Crops for Nutrition Security in Nigeria and Tanzania project. The major activities of SITAN were:
Policy Analysis:
• The National Agricultural Policy of 2013
• The National Science and Technology Policy for Tanzania of 1996
• Child Development Policy Second Edition of 2008
• The National Seed Policy of 1994 and its Implementation Guidelines
• Food and Nutrition Policy for Tanzania July 2016
• National Health Policy of 2007
• Community Development Policy of 1996
• Biotechnology Policy of 2010
• Education Policy (2014) and its Sector development Program

Comparative analysis of available legislation, social policy,
Budget Analysis: allocation and expenditure documents in conformity with objectives of BNFB;
Field Surveys in Iringa, Mbeya, Mwanza, Morogoro, Coast, Singida, Arusha, Kilimajaro,
Participatory workshops to conduct the causal analysis, role pattern analysis and capacity gap analysis including validation of the SITAN findings.
The International Potato Centre (CIP), Dar es Salaam Tanzania; International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMITY); Forum for Agriculture Research in Africa (FARA); Harvest Plus
January 2016 to datePreparation of National Advocacy Strategy for Scaling up Biofortified Crops for Nutrition Security in Nigeria and Tanzania project. The International Potato Centre (CIP), Dar es Salaam Tanzania; International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMITY); Forum for Agriculture Research in Africa (FARA); Harvest Plus
May 2016 to dateUndertaking Baseline Study for Expanding Rice Production Project (ERPP) in Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland. Baseline study to collect information on irrigation, agronomic practices, socioeconomic condition of irrigating communities and environmental management from 16 project irrigation schemes in Kilosa, Kilombero and Mvomero districts in Morogoro and 13 Irrigation schemes from the districts of Wete, Chakechake, Mkoani in Pemba and West, Central, North A in Unguja Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Development (Mainland Tanzania)/Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources Livestock and Fisheries (Zanzibar)
March 2016 –May 2017Development of Business Plan for Kiwere Irrigation Scheme Rice Growers Project in Iringa region. Main Project Features: Business plan development for expansion of the Rise Production; activities performed include Rice production Projections, Financial analysis Projections and forecasting; Economic analysis; Financial sector development analysis; and Marketing and operations plan by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), March 2016 –May 2017Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
March 2016 –May 2017Development of Business Plan for Kiwere Irrigation Scheme Rice Growers Project in Iringa region. Main Project Features: Business plan development for expansion of the Rise Production; activities performed include Rice production Projections, Financial analysis Projections and forecasting; Economic analysis; Financial sector development analysis; and Marketing and operations plan by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), March 2016 –May 2017Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
July 2014 - June 2015Increasing irrigation water productivity in Tanzania through on-farm monitoring, adaptive management and agriculture innovation platforms. Conducted situational analysis and baseline survey of Magozi (rice) and Kiwere (vegetables) Irrigation schemes in Iringa District. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
May –November 2014Assessing Environmental sustainability in National and Sectoral Plans, Strategies and Frameworks relevant to Agriculture Sector in the light of Poverty and Environmental linkages. identified areas of convergence and gaps in ESMF, RPF and IPMP documents for the Agriculture Sector Development Programme in with respect to Poverty and Environment linkages; reviewed key agricultural policies (including for land and land use planning), plans & strategies to assess the extent of incorporation of environmental safeguards, designed a framework for environmental management information sharing system among stakeholders in the agriculture sector, provided advice to EMU on best entry points for easy mainstreaming environmental safeguards in the agriculture sector.Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives - Environmental Management Unit
October 2014QGIS Training to VLUP Facilitators from Njombe Region Districts under Private Forest Programme. Trained District Land and Natural Resource Officers and Town Planners to use QGIS in preparation of Village Land Use Plans. Main project activities included
• Installations of the QGIS open source software to the computers and familiarize the trainees with different basic tools of the software.
• Data collection using GPS for village land use planning and importing the data into QGIS for use
• Importing data into the software which includes raster and vector data
• Digitization from image (any land use planning case study), Geo-referencing and familiarization on datum and projection
• Familiarize the trainees with basic plug-ins such as open layer plug-ins (Open layer plugins e.g. Google satellite layer, Google street layer etc.)
• Final map production with basic components of map e.g. scale, north arrow, title legend, grid.
Tanzania Private Forestry Programme, Njombe, Tanzania
February - December 2013Preparing Climate Change Strategic Intervention Action Plan for Water Resources Management in Tanzania, Reviewed climate change response initiatives, reviewed projects and studies on climate change and variability in the water sector, identified and interacted with key stakeholders in the sector, prepared reports and organized a stakeholder's consultation workshop. Project included development of survey questionnaire, validation of the questionnaires during the inception report, questionnaire administration in Nine River Basins Countrywide (Iringa-Rufiji River Basin, Mbeya-Rukwa & Nyasa River Basin, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Tanga -Pangani River Basin, Mwanza, Singida etc). Ministry of Water, Tanzania
March - August 2013Policy Analysis in relation to climate change adaptation, mitigation, agriculture and REDD+. Analysed agriculture policies and practices in relation to climate change mitigation, adaptation, agriculture and REDD in Tanzania and provide recommendations on the changes needed to achieve climate smart small-scale agriculture and community oriented REDD+.Actionaid Tanzania
May 2012 – June 2013Productivity of water in small irrigation schemes in the Great Ruaha River Basin, Tanzania. Collected irrigated crop production data (types of crops, production calendars, irrigation inputs, land productivity), Conducted situational analysis of irrigation infrastructures, analysed irrigated crop input-output value chains, quantified irrigation water productivity based on crop water consumption, crop yield and market of irrigated products during different seasons.International Foundation for Science (IFS),Tanzania