Ecosystems and environment
- Natural ecosystem services analysis
- Preparation of regional ecological plans
- Modeling of ecosystem dynamics
- Forestry and wildlife resource inventories
- Biodiversity assessments
- Forest carbon stock mapping and quantification
- Environmental conservation and management
- Community participation
Land resources
- Land resource mapping
- Land use planning
- Land cover and land use change mapping and analysis
- Agent based modeling
- Land resource mapping and analysis
- Land capability and sustainability assessments
- Sustainable land management
- Disaster Risk Reduction studies
Agriculture and Natural resources
- Sustainable agriculture and management of natural resources
- Studies on natural resource poverty-environment-livelihood nexus
- Natural resource poverty-environment-livelihood nexus
- Training on agronomic practices
- Studies and analysis on food security,
- Farming systems and agro-ecosystems analysis
- Soil fertility studies and analysis
- Soil salinity and soil quality remediation
- Value chain studies and analysis
- Marketing studies for agriculture commodities.
- Feasibility studies for irrigation development
- Irrigations systems designs and planning
- Irrigation water productivity analysis
- Irrigation water efficiency studies
- Establishment and capacity building of Irrigators Organisations
Water resources
- Integrated water resources management and development plans
- Hydrological analysis
- Design of hydraulic infrastructures
- Ground water studies
- Water demand management studies
- Studies on rain water harvesting and management
- Water supply and sanitation
- Water quality studies and management
- Waste water management
- Wetland management studies
- Institutions for water management
Project Management
- Project identification, preparation and appraisal
- Project monitoring
- Project mid-term reviews and terminal evaluation
- Project impact assessment/evaluation
- Preparation of monitoring and evaluation framework
- Result based monitoring and evaluation
- Training on project formulation, logical framework analysis, monitoring and evaluation
Environmental and Social management for development
- Environmental and social impact analysis (ESIA)
- Environmental Audit assessment (EA)
- Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP)
- Preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessments (ESIA)
- Environmental safeguards
Climate change
- Mainstreaming climate change in development policies and strategies
- Preparation of climate change adaptation and mitigation plans
- CDM project designs (preparation of PIN, PDD)
- Climate change scenarios analysis
- Climate change impact projection and downscaling
- Climate change vulnerability assessments
Socioeconomic studies
- Baseline studies
- Demographic analysis
- Livelihood analysis studies
- Linkages of rural industries
- Situational analysis
- Stakeholder mapping and analysis
- Strategic planning (organization and resource)
- Institutional capacity building
- Facilitation